全球及香港經濟已經逐漸回復正常。在過去幾年中,COVID不僅改變了大部分消費者的行為,還推動了科技及技術發展。隨著數碼營銷的新動向,旅遊、酒店、零售和餐飲等行業可以利用最新的數碼營銷工具和知識來吸引入境旅客及協助業界適應新形勢發展。數據驅動的廣告、善用社交平台和增加客戶忠誠度對這些行業從COVID中恢復是十分重要的。誠邀您參加IAB HK的首次舉辦的半日研討會"Hello, Digital Hong Kong!",了解有關行業復甦的概覽、策略、品牌塑造、內容營銷和新興創新技術,希望能幫助旅遊及零售業務在數碼領域中取得領先優勢的信息!
時間:下午2:00 - 6:00(HKT)
如有查詢,請致電 (852) 6970 8626 或電郵至info@iabhongkong.com與秘書處聯絡
The economy is eventually heading toward normalcy. As COVID has changed most customer behaviours in the past years, so has technology development.
With an ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses have to keep up with trends. Industries like tourism, hospitality, retail, and food & beverage have to optimize the latest digital marketing tools and knowledge to bounce back and attract oversea tourists. Data-driven advertising, leveraging social platforms, and increasing customer loyalty are essential for these industries to recover from COVID. Join IAB HK's first-ever half-day seminar "Hello Digital Hong Kong!" to learn more about the Overview to Recovery, Strategy, Branding, Content Marketing, and emerging Innovative Technologies for Travel and Retail sector, which helps you get ahead in the digital world!
Date: 20 April 2023 (Thu)
Time: 2:00 - 6:00 PM (HKT)
Venue: Hong Thai Expo & Business Center, 5/F United Centre, Admiralty, HK
Language: Cantonese
Ticketing: Two free tickets for IAB HK Members & Brands. Other Guests at $580 each.
Seats are available on a first-come-first-serve basis. Register now: https://bit.ly/hellodigitalhongkong
For enquiries, please get in touch with our secretariat office at (852) 6970 8626 and info@iabhongkong.com