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楊德斌太平紳士 (香港特別行政區政府 前政府資訊科技總監)





Kevin Huang (南華早報 首席運營官)

Kevin Huang

又思 (小紅書 商業市場負責人)



曾在奧美、藍色光標、滴滴出行等公司負責營銷及傳播相關工作,長期關注Branding、Growth marketing、Social & Digital、PR等領域,具備全域視角的市場營銷經驗。

車品覺先生 (香港科技園公司 董事局成員)





陳育明先生 (Adobe 香港及台灣區總經理)



Alan 於 2017 年加入 Adob​​e,目前負責Creative Cloud, Document Cloud and Experience Cloud solutions 香港和台灣的業務。這些業務致力幫助 Adob​​e 客戶通過數字化轉型提供獨特的個人化體驗。在加入 Adob​​e 之前,Alan 曾在 Microsoft、Cisco 和 Network Associates 等其他大型科技公司擔任過多種要職

翁偉基先生, MBA、BCS、CISA、CISM、CCI (谷歌(香港)有限公司 谷歌雲端平台策略顧問)



Michael 目前是谷歌雲端平台亞太區產業技術團隊的策略顧問,為客戶提供技術諮詢和指導,以協助他們制定長期策略。他擁有超過 30 年的 IT 經驗,專注於互聯網、電子商務和 TravelTech。他也是網絡可用性、計算機

在加入谷歌雲端平台之前,Michael 曾在亞太地區的多家領先企業擔任高級職位,包括亞洲萬里通、加德士、國泰航空、香港特別行政區政府、和記電訊、香港會計師公會、Priceline、 SingTel 和貿易通。在這些角色中,他負責開發和管理系統,以及提供戰略諮詢和指導。

Michael 擁有澳大利亞管理學院的 MBA 學位。他也是雲安全聯盟香港和澳門分會的創始成員和前主席,以及ISACA 中國香港分會的前主席。

Michael 熱衷於利用技術解決現實世界問題。他也是安全和隱私的堅定倡導者。他致力於幫助組織以安全和負

周宏謙先生 (商湯科技 亞太區香港總經理)



周宏謙為商湯科技亞太區香港總經理。他在業務拓展資歷深厚,在中國大陸、港澳台、新加坡和加拿大有超過 20 年的專業經驗。

周宏謙在商湯科技負責香港市場業務拓展,市場戰略以及與關鍵客戶管理層建立戰略關係。加入商湯科技前,他曾在 Pivotal, SAP 和 Oracle 擔任過類似的執行職務。



Nikita Mishra (Moderator) (Deputy Editor, Campaign Asia-Pacific)

Nikita Mishra (Moderator)

Deputy Editor, Campaign Asia-Pacific

Nikita Mishra is an award-winning, seasoned journalist with over a decade of cross-functional newsroom experience across New Delhi, Mumbai and Hong Kong. Her experience spans across news channel CNN-IBN (Indian affiliate of CNN International), digital news platform The Quint, and Hong Kong-based luxury lifestyle publication Gafencu. Currently working as the deputy editor at Campaign Asia-Pacific in Hong Kong, she covers news, trends and features from the dynamic and vibrant marcomms industry in the region. Her current stint at Campaign is preceded by nearly two years of digital media experience and more than seven years of television news experience where she honed her skills in live reporting, video production, scripting, anchoring, and documentary-making.

Alice Chow (CEO, GroupM Hong Kong)

Alice Chow

CEO, GroupM Hong Kong
Derek Yip (Chief Operating Officer, Omnicom Media Group)

Derek Yip

Chief Operating Officer, Omnicom Media Group
許長虹先生 (滙豐銀行香港 財富管理及個人銀行業務董事總經理、客戶及市場策劃主管)







Hins Cheung (Singer-songwriter / Producer / Entrepreneur)

Hins Cheung

Singer-songwriter / Producer / Entrepreneur
湛家揚博士 (香港數據素養協會 創會主席)




許遵發先生 (Microsoft 香港 區域科技長)


Microsoft 香港區域科技長

許遵發先生為Microsoft 香港有限公司之區域科技長,負責制定政策及將科技相關和可擴展的方案帶進香港市場,並銳意將資訊科技的價值積極配合如醫療保健、教育、環境及本地社會和經濟發展等方面的公共政策,以促進重點政策範疇的數碼進程,包括創意、保安和隱私、技術中立性、可達性及交互操作性等。

在出任此職前,許氏為惠普企業公司(Hewlett Packard Enterprise)香港區的軟件部門總監。許氏在香港ICT行業資歷甚廣,為香港電腦學會、itSMF Hong Kong Chapter 及香港訊息科技協進會的理事會會員。


盧炳棠先生 (Preface Hong Kong 創辦人兼行政總裁)


Preface Hong Kong創辦人兼行政總裁

盧炳棠先生 (Tommie) 是 Preface 的創辦人兼行政總裁。Preface是一家科技培訓公司,致力於新時代為全球企業和個人提供培訓以保持領先地位。

Preface 業務遍佈全球,在香港、倫敦 、新加坡和東京均設有辦公點,其由人工智能技術驅動的科技培訓課程,提供緊貼市場發展趨勢的學習內容,助企業和個人客戶與時俱進,持續輔以競爭力 。

Tommie 一直希望能顛覆傳統教育模式。多年來,他帶領 Preface 重塑教學與學習的經驗,並通過去中心化學習模式重新設計課堂體驗。他更在旗下的餐飲概念店Preface Coffee & Wine 展現其教育願景,創造一個促進生活化學習的獨特空間,旨在提供最新科技知識和體驗寓教於樂的首選之地。


李德琳先生 (羅兵咸永道香港 人工智能及新興技術諮詢主管合夥人)



James is a management consulting leader and senior technology executive specializing in advising global financial services organizations on “cloud-first, data-driven” digital transformation with data and analytics, AI, and intelligent automation. He has over 20 years of strategy consulting and technology operation experience in North America, Asia, and Europe that spanned across various industries including insurance, banking, asset and wealth management, private equity, and telecommunications.

陳力衡先生 (Apoidea Group 首席商業官)


Apoidea Group首席商業官

Jake是Apoidea Group的首席商業官,他憑藉在商業策略和增長營銷方面的豐富經驗,推動集團的整體業務發展。在加入Apoidea之前,Jake曾於Klook和VIPABC擔任高級領導職位,在多個行業取得佳績。Jake曾於Credit Suisse和Citi等大型投資銀行工作,於私募股權投資界別有所涉獵。


Stephanie Ng (滙豐銀行香港 財富管理及個人銀行業務全球營銷主管)

Stephanie Ng


Stephanie brings more than 20 years’ experience in consumer financial services in APAC, across business strategy, strategic partnerships, product innovation, portfolio management and customer loyalty. She was most recently the Financial Services Head at Meta (Facebook) where she led all Financial Services initiatives across the Facebook family of apps. She is passionate about building businesses, marketing innovation and digital transformation, helping brands keep up with technology and changing consumer behavior to drive results.

She joined HSBC in August 2022. Prior to her role at Meta, she was the Executive Director for Credit Cards in Standard Chartered Bank, having led successful teams in cards, payments and unsecured lending businesses in Singapore, Malaysia and globally for the Bank. She has also held senior level positions with Mastercard and AIG.

She holds a master’s degree from University of Bath and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Sheffield, both in the UK. She volunteers at various women’s events and is an active grassroots leader. Originally from Singapore, Stephanie is now based in Hong Kong and is married with a young child.

謝若儀小姐 (萬想科技 創始人兼公司顧問)



Christina is the Co-Founder & Advisor of Pantheon Lab, driving business development, branding, and communications. She empowers companies to adopt Generative AI technologies, revolutionizing their marketing campaigns.

Previously, Christina served as VP of Branding & Communications at PUC Berhad in Kuala Lumpur, supporting the company’s various business, including integrated media services, e-commerce, technology, and renewable energy.

With over 30 years of expertise in broadcast, telecommunications, tourism, and hospitality, Christina excels in PR and marketing communications. She began her career in the leisure and tourism sector at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, and later oversaw corporate communications and crisis management as Head of Public Affairs at Ngong Ping 360, top tourist attractions in Hong Kong.

Christina also led the opening of the world's largest Sheraton and Macau's biggest hotel, earning prestigious industry awards. She continued as Director of Marketing Communications for JW Marriott Hotel and The Ritz-Carlton in Macau, contributing to Marriott International's first twin hotel portfolios in Macau.

Certified as an IAAPA Certified Attractions Executive, Christina demonstrates expertise in the attractions industry.

Christina studied law and sociology at Keele University, UK.

梁季笙先生 (HKAI Lab 執行總監)


HKAI Lab執行總監

梁季笙先生在資訊和互聯網領域擁有超過20年行業經驗,曾效力阿里巴巴、蘋果及電訊盈科等多家知名企業。他現時為香港人工智能及數據實驗室(HKAI LAB)執行總監。HKAI LAB為非牟利項目,由阿里巴巴香港創業者基金與商湯科技攜手合作營運,專注於以尖端科技及專業知識拓展人工智能的應用領域,並幫助初創企業將創新發明成果商業化。



Eric Yip (Head of Solutions Architecture and Customer Solutions Manager, AWS Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, Amazon Web Services)

Eric Yip

Head of Solutions Architecture and Customer Solutions Manager, AWS Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, Amazon Web Services

Eric has 26 years of information technology experiences with extensive regional management coverage. He has collaborated with global teams like Greater China, Asia Pacific, Europe and US R&D teams in IT vendors. He has been working in AWS for 4+ years, leading the Solutions Architecture teams in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Prior to AWS, Eric has worked as Cloud Architect Management role with a leading global IT vendor. He has helped global enterprises in digital and cloud transformations across different industries.

傅永德先生 (數據素養協會 資深創會會員)



傅永德先生是一位數據和分析領導者,在香港、澳門和歐洲擁有超過 15 年的相關經驗,協助企業組織轉型和建立數據驅動的文化。



傅永德先生也曾擔任阿斯頓大學的香港和澳門校友會副主席,在畢業生和行業領袖之間建立了牢固的聯繫。他還是香港 DaLa(數據素養協會)的創會會員,致力於宣傳數據分析,希望能在社會中貢獻其重要性和價值。


屠厚鈞先生 (Dayta AI 首席執行官 兼 聯合創辦人)


Dayta AI首席執行官 兼 聯合創辦人

Patrick 畢業後便創立了香港人工智能初創公司 Dayta AI ,願景是建立智能零售生態系統。公司其下的 SaaS 產品 Cyclops 利用人工智能、視像分析技術及商業智慧,協助線下零售商獲取及分析數據,用於未來的規劃和績效評估,降低營運成本及增加收入。

黃子洋先生 (Head of Performance, Omnicom Media Group)


Head of Performance, Omnicom Media Group

Jason deeply understands client's needs and the rapid market change in the advertising/media industry. He has been growing with Omnicom Media Group Hong Kong for 8+ years. Jason first worked in one of OMG’s media agencies, OMD, for four years, then moved to the group level to lead the company, transform, and set up a division called ‘OMG Performance’ from scratch.

With a deep understanding of the market trends and business needs, Jason took the lead in a business transformation by merging different special business units (SBUs) to form OMG Performance to break the silos and provide holistic performance solutions to OMG’s clients. With proven cases, OMG Performance drove success for numerous clients and, as a result, was recognized by the industry with iconic awards such as Campaign Asia’s APAC Performance Agency of the Year in 2020 & Greater China Performance Agency of the Year 2021 & 2022; Marketing Interactive’s Performance Agency of the Year 2022 & Programmatic, Search, Performance Agency of the Year 2020.

Before he joined Omnicom Media Group, he worked in Ogilvy, and Universal McCann on performance-related roles for regional accounts across 15 APAC markets, and those experiences helped Jason to build up a division with a regional vision and a performance media foundation.

Rex Ching (Group Chief Technology Officer, TVB)

Rex Ching

Group Chief Technology Officer, TVB

Mr. Ching was appointed as Group Chief Technology Officer in September 2021 to lead the development and dissemination of technology across all business groups within TVB. He was also appointed as President of MyTV Super Group in January 2022 for overseeing the business, operations and technology development. Mr. Ching also holds directorships in certain subsidiaries of the Company. He joined TVB as Head of Technical Engineering in October 2014. Before joining TVB, Mr. Ching worked in PCCW Solution to lead the IT development for nowTV. He has 24 years of extensive experience in OTT, IT and Telecommunication industries. Mr. Ching holds a Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and a Master of Economics from The University of Hong Kong. He is also a Corporate Member of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.

David Ko (Moderator) (Managing Director, RFI Asia Limited)

David Ko (Moderator)

Managing Director, RFI Asia Limited

David Ko is the leader of RFI Asia, a digital marketing agency that belongs to the Ruder Finn group. RFI Asia comprises a talented team of digital strategists, data analysts and content creators who provide services such as branded content creation, emerging technologies, web, social influence, crisis management, analytics, and consumer research. RFI Asia was one of the first agencies to create chatbots for consumer brands in Asia and to produce a VR mini-movie in 2013. Its multinational clients include Audi, Dah Sing Bank, Estée Lauder, HSBC, L'Oréal, Longines, Manulife, Marriott International, Orbis, Hublot, Porsche, Prudential, Tencent and many others. RFI Asia's Insights & Analytics team also offers innovative solutions such as Marketing Ecosystem Audit, Influencer Mapping, Consumer Journey Mapping and Crisis Simulation.

岑卓耀先生 (滙豐銀行香港 財富管理與個人銀行市場部主管兼董事總經理)




岑先生於 2022 年加入滙豐銀行,擔任香港財富管理與個人銀行市場部主管,負責包括滙豐 One、卓越理財和私人銀行業務在內的全通道市場營銷策略,致力於實現品牌和業務的全面發展。

岑先生的職業生涯始於渣打銀行的財富管理業務。他在零售股票、平台、業務規劃和投資產品等部門擔任過管理職能。 自 2012 年起,他開始擔任該銀行的市場營銷戰略部門負責人。


Saron Leung (Industry Head, FinTech & Financial Services, Google HK)

Saron Leung

Industry Head, FinTech & Financial Services, Google HK

Saron joined Google Hong Kong in 2018 and currently leads the strategic partnerships between Google and global FSIs.

Before joining Google, Saron had over a decade of experience in Marketing and Adtech across the APAC region, leading Digital Strategy for some of the most iconic brands globally.

Awarded “Global Rising Star” by iProspect during his agency career, Saron has earned recognition across the region, being named Under 30 Achiever of the Year by Mumbrella Asia in 2016.

Saron is known for his passion in data and technology, previously serving as the Data & Measurement Committee Lead at the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) of Hong Kong in 2019. He is currently an Executive Committee member of the Digital Marketing Community at Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA) and a Committee Member at the Institute of Financial Technologists of Asia (IFTA).

Deepika Nikhilender (CEO, Xaxis Asia-Pacific & Executive Director – Programmatic Practice, GroupM Nexus Asia Pacific)

Deepika Nikhilender

CEO, Xaxis Asia-Pacific & Executive Director – Programmatic Practice, GroupM Nexus Asia Pacific

Over the last 20 over years, Deepika has gained experience across the Asia-Pacific region in the marketing & communications domain, working across multiple categories and over 100 brands. She is seen as a maven and veteran in the media industry in the APAC region. She has garnered deep knowledge of the Asia Pacific markets, consumer culture and its diverse market environments.

With a deep foundation in analytics, marketing science, solutions architecture and strategy, she made a foray in Ad technology and the programmatic practice 6 years ago.
Today, Deepika has established herself in the Ad Technology and Marketing Technology domain as an expert navigating brands in their data-driven marketing agenda. She also steers the A.I and Machine learning blueprint for the company, in the region.

She has won coveted awards such as:
- Media Person of the Year for Singapore
- Innovator of the Year by The Internationalist Magazine, New York
- Regional Account Person of the year by Campaign Asia-Pacific
- Business Leader of the Year for Women Leading Change year by Campaign Asia-Pacific and Technology Chief of the Year for Women Leading Change year by Campaign Asia-Pacific

劉沛先生 (鄧白氏國際信息諮詢有限公司 中國區業務副總裁兼產品和解決方案部總經理)



Frank Liu is the Deputy General Manager and Head of Product and Solutions at Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Greater China region. He has a long-standing commitment to supporting Chinese companies in their global business expansion efforts and possesses deep insights into the application of data and data-driven decision-making in various sectors, including finance, infrastructure, international trade, and commodities trading.

Throughout his distinguished career, Frank has garnered an impressive track record of successfully assisting numerous top-tier Chinese Fortune 500 companies in achieving their expansion objectives within the Asia-Pacific, Middle East, North Africa, and European markets. His accomplishments underscore his exceptional capabilities in orchestrating international market penetration and formulating comprehensive strategic initiatives.

Gavin Buxton (Managing Director, Asia, Magnite)

Gavin Buxton

Managing Director, Asia, Magnite

Gavin currently leads the growth of Magnite Asia, where he is focused on helping
media owners and brands win across every channel and format.

Gavin has over 20 years’ global experience in the digital advertising space, having
worked in leadership roles at tech and publishing companies, including Microsoft,
Turner Broadcasting and LinkedIn, with the last ten years based in Asia building
businesses. His working knowledge spans television, digital, search, programmatic,
mobile, content marketing and social media.

He is an active participant within the advertising industry with multiple thought
leadership publications, speaker slots and contributing to industry bodies, including
past board membership of the IAB SG and participant of several committees. In
March 2018, he was named as “one of the top people to look out for” by The Digerati
Asia Pacific – which is The Drum’s annual celebration of people in the industry that
goes out of their way for digital in this region.

Arto Tolonen (Chief Product Officer, Smartly.io)

Arto Tolonen

Chief Product Officer, Smartly.io

Arto Tolonen is the Chief Product Officer at Smartly.io, a global leader in the digital advertising industry. With over 15 years of experience in the field, Arto has played a pivotal role in transforming the way marketers engage with their audiences.

Arto currently heads the Smartly AI Product Lab, a dynamic hub of innovation that equips marketers with cutting-edge AI-powered solutions to address their campaign and creative requirements. Under his leadership, Smartly.io has emerged as one of the world’s largest SaaS digital advertising platforms, collaborating with over 700 renowned brands across the globe.

For the past 8 years, Arto has been at the forefront of Smartly.io’s product team, steering the company’s strategic vision and uniting brands and advertisers under a single, comprehensive digital marketing solution. His commitment to driving excellence in the digital advertising landscape has made a significant impact on how brands allocate their budgets across the evolving social and digital ecosystem.

陳明發先生 (Vpon Big Data Group 營運長)


Vpon Big Data Group營運長

Arthur 在數據產業擁有 15 年經驗。他曾幫助任職的公司從初創公司成長為香港領先的數據公司之一,並在納斯達克上市。自 2016 年加入 Vpon 以來,Arthur 領導公司在亞太地區大數據領域的推動,並贏得了包括日本國家旅遊局和花旗銀行等大客戶的信任。Vpon 被同行業認證為亞洲頂尖的大數據公司,並擁有頂尖的手機數據。

梁韻靈博士 (保柏香港 客戶體驗數碼轉型及業務增長總監)





梁韻靈擁有金融商業學士學位(一等榮譽和院長嘉許名單 )、傳播文學碩士學位、策略管理工商管理碩士學位和工商管理(數碼營銷)博士學位,以及完成了劍橋大學的數碼化顛覆:數碼化轉型策略課程、史丹福大學的客戶為本創新課程,以及香港科技大學的領導變革高管課程。

Dr. Leonard Newnham (Chief Data Scientist, LoopMe)

Dr. Leonard Newnham

Chief Data Scientist, LoopMe

Leonard Newnham is LoopMe’s Chief Data Scientist. He holds a PhD in Machine Learning and has over 26 years’ experience in applying ML in the real world, with 20 of those working in real-time behavioral targeting companies, using big data and AI applied to the advertising industry. He has co-authored AI papers alongside David Silver, the brains behind the AphaGo project and has spoken at various large international conferences, including the International & European Conference on Machine Learning. He currently holds 22 granted patents, 21 pending, 19 as lead inventor, in the field of ML.

黃何博士 (Measurable AI 聯合創辦人)


Measurable AI聯合創辦人

黃何博士是一位連續創業家,Y Combinator 校友,並擁有香港理工大學金融科技博士學位。黃博士對創新充滿熱情,曾共同創立數個知名創科企業。 其中,以訊息風格的手機電子郵件應用程式MailTime 於2015年獲選蘋果應用商店的2015年度最佳應用程式。新興市場另類數據提供商 Measurable AI 於 2017 年在世界移動通訊大會上獲得年度初創企業殊榮。此外,黃博士還共同創立了 Measurable Data Token,這是一個去中心化的數據交易經濟體系,為分享數據的用戶提供獎勵。

Yannick Mahé (Head of GCR Business Engineering, Meta)

Yannick Mahé

Head of GCR Business Engineering, Meta

Yannick is originally from France, and after starting his career in Mainland China went on to leadership roles in tech as Director of Engineering and CTO of startups in Europe. He holds MBAs from Columbia Business School and the London Business School. After joining Meta in Paris, Yannick currently leads the Business Engineering function for Meta in the Greater China Region, which puts him at the intersection of business and technology.

司徒睿先生 (Managing Director APAC, 55, the data company)


Managing Director APAC, 55, the data company

A Digital Marketing Specialist with a passion for technology with a purpose, Cedric has been calling Hong Kong home since 2010. He successfully bootstrapped Asia’s first digital platform for emerging fashion designers before launching the local Chapter of Silicon Valley start-up incubator Founder Institute.

He is currently Managing Director for APAC at 55, the data company, helping global advertisers & publishers improve marketing, advertising and sales performance across channels through advanced measurement, insights and activation of their data assets.

Cedric is an Executive Committee member and Measurement Committee member at IAB Hong Kong (Interactive Advertising Bureau) as well as a regular speaker and panelist at conferences in the region.

Andy Hood (VP Emerging Technologies, WPP)

Andy Hood

VP Emerging Technologies, WPP

As VP Emerging Technologies at WPP, Andy is focused less on technologies themselves and more on the role they have, the problems they solve and the opportunities they create, the behaviours they change or require and the impact they have on people and the world around them. Andy spent 20 years at AKQA, founding the Creative Research & Development Team there in 1999 and developing pioneering and award-winning use cases for major clients with virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, computer vision and connected physical spaces before moving into WPP in May 2020. He was a Cannes jury President in 2017, has presented for TedX and was included in an AdWeek list of the “The Top Creative Minds in Digital”.

史永明博士 (NVIDIA 解決方案架構與工程技術經理)




主要為行業客戶提供加速計算解決方案。客戶範圍涉及金融、零售、製造業、物流等領域。在加入NVIDIA前,史永明博士任西門子中國研究院主任研究科學家。以第一發明人身份,已申報國家發明專利19項,申報國際IPC專利 5項。

錢鵬先生 (艾雅思股份有限公司 大中華區董事總經理)



Ben Chien is an experienced adtech founder, corporate executive, automobile gymkhana enthusiasts, and father of two. Driven by the desire to disrupt the status quo, he takes pride in being the only service provider of advertising monetization services to online publishers in Hong Kong, which led to his startup being acquired by a Japanese tech company. As an acqui-hired executive, his goal is to accelerate the growth of the Greater China business, and to expand services to the influencer marketing and video space. With a successful startup exit, Ben is now an active angel investor, mentor at startup accelerators, and supporters of early-stage funds.

呂政燊先生 (Aleph Holding 香港及台灣區總經理)


Aleph Holding香港及台灣區總經理


Alex 曾在香港和澳洲的市場解決方案公司和媒體機構擔任過多個管理職位。在職業生涯中,他成功領導團隊,實施能夠推動業務增長和提升品牌知名度的營銷策略。

近年來,Alex 專注於在香港和台灣推廣數碼音頻。他對數碼媒體的發展趨勢和消費者行為的變化有深入的了解,致力於幫助企業利用數碼音頻平台實現創新的營銷策略。

Donald Chan (Co-Founder and Senior Advisor, Cherrypicks Limited)

Donald Chan

Co-Founder and Senior Advisor, Cherrypicks Limited

Donald is one of the founders of Cherrypicks, a regional leader in mobile technology and eCommerce specializing in smart city, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, eWallet and location intelligence. With disruptive Online-to-Offline (O2O) solutions as well as patent-pending products and technology inventions, Cherrypicks has represented Hong Kong and China in many world stages and won over 100 local and international awards. Cherrypicks were strategically merged with NetDragon (HKSE:777) in 2014.
Donald is a seasoned mobile telecommunication expert who leads the team to develop strategic accounts with local and multinational corporations like HSBC, Prudential, MTR, and major property developers. In recent years, the company together with its partners developed and launched one of the most popular eWallet in Hong Kong, and continues to bring world-class electronic payment solutions to corporate customers and the public with innovative user experience and cutting-edge technology.
Donald holds a bachelor of Engineering and a MSC in Financial Management, he also frequently accepts judge and speaker invitations from prestigious technology and services awards such as the Hong Kong ICT Awards, Asia Smart App Awards, and international conferences to generously share his knowledge and experience. Donald is also the Vice Chairman and one of the founding members of the Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA) and Past President of Rotary Club Central Harbourfront.

余國文先生 (萬里雲互聯有限公司 技術經理)



With over 10 years of experience in IT infrastructure, cybersecurity, and cloud engineering, Man is a technical leader skilled at securing IT environments and uplifting legacy architectures. His expertise spans IT security, network infrastructure and cloud migrations. He has served as a technical consultant architecting secure hybrid and cloud infrastructures tailored to clients' profiles. Man thrives on collaborating with clients and helping organizations optimize their IT ecosystem, harden defenses, enable digital transformation securely, and support their cyber resilience journey.

Ronald Li (Engineering Director, Shopline)

Ronald Li

Engineering Director, Shopline
朱楨 (鄧白氏 高階經理,業務線負責人,產品與解決方案部)




鄭楚樺小姐 (恆力數字科技有限公司 執行董事)



Cecilia 是跨境智能營銷科技平台恆力數字科技有限公司 EternityX的執行董事, 助力營銷人員觸及和轉化中國消費者。

Cecilia不但在數字媒體的企劃和購買實力贏得了客戶的讚譽和認可,她更擁有豐富的跨文化團隊管理經驗,彰顯了超凡的領導及管理能力,現時領導5個部門及超過30人的團隊,更榮獲Campaign Asia評選為大中華最值得關注女性,獲得國際媒體的高度讚揚。


李國海先生 (德高貝登 JCDecaux Transport 總經理)


德高貝登 JCDecaux Transport總經理

Ray Lee 是香港最大的戶外廣告公司 JCDecaux Transport 的總經理,負責港鐵及機場快綫的廣告媒體業務發展。除了傳統廣告形式外,Ray 更負責開拓數碼領域,致力將戶外廣告與網上及流動廣告結合,融合三者優勢。Ray 亦帶領銷售團隊發展戶外廣告數碼程式化 (Programmatic Digital Out Of Home) 的工作。

Ray 在傳媒及廣告行業有多年的經驗,於 2000 年進入DoubleClick HK 後,就開始了在數碼媒體行業的精彩旅程。及後更在不同傳統和數碼媒體,以至電子商貿行業,累積了不少實戰經驗。Ray 於 2017 年擔任星島集團旗下初創公司 Shimba Digital Ltd 的 CEO,除了推廣和營銷集團的各種數碼媒體平台之外,更開發了新的社交媒體和電商平台。

馮秉聰先生 (LoopMe 北亞太區董事總經理)



Bernard 在媒體和技術領域擁有 20 多年跨洲的顧問、營銷和銷售經驗,其中 10 多年專門從事數字營銷。 作為北亞太區的董事總經理,Bernard 負責 LoopMe 在大中華區、日本和韓國的業務。 Bernard 是 IAB 香港測量委員會的團隊負責人,也是 2022 年中國 Morketing Awards 的評審團成員。 在加入 LoopMe 之前,Bernard 曾任Spotify銷售總監、英國金融時報客戶總監、以及微軟資深產品顧問。

張筱曦小姐 (LoopMe 中國市場拓展負責人)



Isabel現擔任LoopMe公司大中華地區業務拓展負責人,向LoopMe北亞太區董事總經理Bernard Fung匯報,一道負責大中華地區的業務拓展、客戶以及合作夥伴的戰略製定和執行。此前,Isabel 曾任職於多間國際及本土媒介代理、品牌咨詢、世界500強企業的營銷工作,對於整個行業生態有著較為深刻的認識。

鄭大為先生 (LoopMe 中國業務拓展負責人)





Ryan Cheung (PressLogic 創辦人及行政總裁)

Ryan Cheung


Ryan於2016年創立PressLogic,致力通過數據導向的科技解決方案、內容營銷和數碼廣告,革新廣告科技 (Ad-Tech) 行業。

Ryan擁有豐富的金融經驗和卓越成就。他於香港大學取得會計和金融學士學位,並曾在多家投資銀行的股票市場和商品部門工作,負責衍生工具與結構性產品的銷售和結構整合。Ryan 更以26歲之齡加盟瑞士證券交易所的知名上市金融科技公司Leonteq Securities AG(前身為瑞士盈豐銀行金融產品部),任職亞洲區董事,在職期間更成功為結構性投資產品方案取得顯著增長和帶動亞洲區擴張。

在Ryan的領導下,PressLogic成為亞太地區其中一間領先的廣告科技 (Ad-Tech) 公司,提供全方位服務支援各大品牌連繫廣泛的目標受眾及擴大品牌影響力。

郭智豪先生 (RTB House Pte Ltd 銷售總監)


RTB House Pte Ltd銷售總監




自加入RTB House以來,Arthur成功與來自各個行業的本地電子商務和成效廣告客戶合作,基於他們不同的行業挑戰和痛點,開展了基於深度學習的行銷廣告,這些活動帶來了轉化率和收入的持續增長。

梅思進先生 (Sleekflow Technologies Limited 銷售副總裁)


Sleekflow Technologies Limited銷售副總裁

SleekFlow 銷售副總裁 Eric,有豐富領導SaaS銷售團隊的經驗。加入SleekFlow前,他在全球領先的雲端運輸技術平台,主管亞太區業務發展。由解決中小型企業物流方案、到助力零售商在社交商務大展拳腳,他最享受帶領從屬發揮所長,實踐個人潛能,團隊共同達到出色業績的滿足感。

梁允聰先生 (Aloha Group 總經理兼聯合創始人)


Aloha Group總經理兼聯合創始人

Ivan 是 Aloha 的合夥人兼總經理。在過去的八年中,他致力為不同公司及品牌制定了多個成功的數碼宣傳策略,管理和營運手法獲得了業界廣泛的認可和讚賞,包括Google、Yahoo Marketing Magazine等機構的肯定。

Ivan 同時積極推動業界的發展,他不僅是 iAB HK Career and Education 的成員之一,也在不同商業機構、講座和大學擔任講者,分享他的經驗和見解。

Ivan 和 Aloha 亦專注推動搜尋引擎自然排名和SaaS市場的科技發展,致力為SEO塑造新的標準。

Jin Han Lim (General Manager of Greater China, Dable Hong Kong Limited)

Jin Han Lim

General Manager of Greater China, Dable Hong Kong Limited

Jin Han 負責 Dable 大中華區的銷售和運營。他在廣播媒體、電子商務和廣告科技等不同領域擁有豐富的經驗。在加入 Dable 之前,Jin Han 在日本數碼廣告行業累積了不少經驗,並在一家日本貿易公司管理線上銷售和營銷策略。

嚴子罡先生 (RE:DREAMER 亞太區商務拓展總監)


